De la tradición artesana a la especialización industrial. El calzado valenciano, 1850-1930

Autor: Miranda Encarnación, José Antonio
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revista de Historia Industrial; No 4 (1993); 11-36
Revista de Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review; No. 4 (1993); 11-36
Revista de Historia Industrial — Industrial History Review; Núm. 4 (1993); 11-36
RCUB. Revistas Científicas de la Universidad de Barcelona
Revista de Historia Industrial. Economía y Empresa; No 4 (1993); 11-36
ISSN: 2385-3247
Popis: Valencia, a region in the Southeastern part of Spain, concentrates the two thirds of Spanish footwear industry, a sector in wich Spain stands out as producer and also as exporter. This paper analyses the configuration process of Valencia footwear industry between 1850and 1930, deeping in its origins, the technological evolution and growth patterns experimented by main producers zones. Valencia, a region in the Southeastern part of Spain, concentrates the two thirds of Spanish footwear industry, a sector in wich Spain stands out as producer and also as exporter. This paper analyses the configuration process of Valencia footwear industry between 1850and 1930, deeping in its origins, the technological evolution and growth patterns experimented by main producers zones.
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