Inventory management in reverse logistics - analysis of Croatian automotive industry postsale practices

Autor: Dubravko Tomašić, Goran Đukić, Mario Šafran
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Tehnički vjesnik
Volume 20
Issue 3
ISSN: 1330-3651
Popis: Uspješnost upravljanja zalihama u gospodarskim sustavima pretpostavka je optimalnog funkcioniranja opskrbnih lanaca. Pojavom Povratne logistike, ali i sveobuhvatnijeg koncepta Zelenog upravljanja lancima opskrbe, upravljanje povratnim tokovima materijala, a time i adekvatne metodologije i modeli upravljanja zalihama s povratima, postale su teme od interesa istraživača i prakse. Većina radova u literaturi ipak promatra upravljanje zalihama s povratima s pozicije proizvođača, dok su problemi upravljanja zalihama oporabljenih proizvoda od strane njihovih prodavača nekako ostali po strani. Iz tog razloga napravljeno je istraživanje o trenutnom stanju, potencijalima i problemima upravljanja zalihama oporabljenih proizvoda (dijelova) u poslovnim subjektima postprodaje autoindustrije u Republici Hrvatskoj.
The success of inventory management in organizations is the presumption for optimal functioning of the supply chains. With the advent of the reverse logistics and the broader concept of the Green supply chain management, management of reverse flows of materials and therefore appropriate methodologies and models for inventory management with returns, have become topics of interest to researchers and in practice. Most scientific papers in the literature, however, observe inventory management with returns from the position of the manufacturer, while inventory management problems of reclaimed products somehow remained on the sidelines by their retailers. For this reason, research was undertaken on the current status, potentials and problems of inventory management of recovered products (parts) in the aftersales automotive industry in Croatia.
Databáze: OpenAIRE