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Gradska četvrt Novi Zagreb – istok nalazi se u južnom dijelu Grada Zagreba, a to je područje sve do šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća bilo izrazito ruralno, s malobrojnim seoskim stanovništvom. Tek nakon izgradnje Mosta slobode, 1959. godine, započela je gradnja urbaniziranih naselja. Izrastajući tijekom godina u jednu od najurbaniziranijih gradskih četvrti, ovaj dio grada istodobno nosi nimalo ugodan teret još uvijek jedinoga gradskog odlagališta komunalnog otpada, kao i teret mnogih drugih problema, kao što je onečišćenje zraka, manjak sadržaja i infrastrukture za mlado i staro stanovništvo te lošija prometna infrastruktura. Sve su to činioci koji onemogućuju bolji i kvalitetniji život u ovoj novozagrebačkoj Četvrti. Glavni cilj rada je istražiti probleme, ali i prednosti života u Gradskoj četvrti Novi Zagreb – istok, što je ostvareno kroz provedeno anketno istraživanje, dok su sekundarni ciljevi analizirati postojeće prostorne planove i predložiti mogućnosti urbane obnove Ranžirnog kolodvora Zagreb i Hrelića, te prenamjenu prostora Jakuševca. The city district of Novi Zagreb - istok is in the southern part of the City of Zagreb, and until the 1960s, this area was pronouncedly rural, with a small number of rural residents. Only after the construction of the Liberty Bridge, in 1959, did the construction of urbanized settlements begin. Growing over the years into one of the most urbanized city districts, this part of the city simultaneously carries the not-so-pleasant burden of still being the city's only municipal waste disposal site, as well as the burden of many other problems, such as air pollution, a lack of facilities and infrastructure for the young and old population, and a poor transport infrastructure. All of these are factors prevent a better quality of life in this Novi Zagreb district. The main goal of the paper is to investigate the problems, but also the advantages of living in the city district Novi Zagreb - istok, which was achieved through a survey, while the secondary goals are the analysis of existing spatial plans and the proposal of urban redevelopment options, renovation of the Shunting Station Zagreb and Hrelić brownfield, as well as the land use conversion of Jakuševec. |