Variations of carabid beetle and ant assemblages, and their morpho-ecological traits within natural temperate forests in Medvednica Nature Park

Autor: Sven Jelaska, Jesovnik, Ana, Jelaska, Sven D., Pirnat, Aljosa, Kucinic, Mladen, Durbesic, Paula
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: ResearcherID
Popis: The aim of this study was to investigate responses of ant and carabid assemblages and their morpho-ecological traits to habitat differences within natural temperate forests in Medvednica Nature Park. To quantify habitat differences in examined areas, both structural heterogeneity of the vegetation and taxonomic diversity of plants were measured on six plots. Habitat complexity was quantified using four habitat characteristics within the site: tree canopy cover ; shrub canopy cover ; ground herbs and leaf litter cover. Ants and carabids were sampled using pitfall traps. Ant species richness and abundance, unlike carbide species richness were positively correlated with habitat complexity, especially with leaf litter cover on plots. The responses of insects morpho-ecological traits to habitat were recorded, with more large bodied carabids present in more complex site and higher abundance of opportunist ant species in more open sites with low complexity of vegetation. Higher dominance of certain carabid species at the lower plots then those on the top of the mountain, suggest competitive exclusion, confirming lower areas as more stable. Species adapted to colder climate, that inhabit higher elevations such as flightless forest specialist Cychrus caraboides and Carabus irregularis, and boreo-montane ant species Camponotus herculeanus, are less competent to colonize lower areas. Furthermore, they may not survive severe instability of their habitats, especially in a changing climate. Overall results suggest that conservation issues need to be focused on preserving stability and structural complexity of forest habitat in summit areas of the mountain.
Databáze: OpenAIRE