Educational Support to Students with Behavioural Problems in Elementary School

Autor: Zlatko Bukvic
Zdroj: Zlatko Bukvic
Croatian Journal of Education : Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje
Volume 22
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-5189
DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i2.3565
Popis: The relationship between behavioural problems and problems in education is an important aspect of student school success. Behavioural problems correlate negatively with the overall student academic, educational, and social success, and they are a frequent cause of student failure. Behavioural problems appear as a reaction to disadvantageous school context. The existence of risk factors in the school environment adversely contributes to student behavioural problems. The aim of this paper is to describe the behavioural problems of elementary school students and to determine whether they are related to the support provided by their teachers. Behavioural problems are described by analysing the frequency of manifesting some behavioural problems with respect to the age and gender of the student. Links to behavioural problems with support provided by their teachers have been analysed through a correlation analysis of the provided and received support in the educational process and manifesting problems in student behaviour. The survey sample consists of students and their teachers from the 4th, 6th, and 8th grades. The results show that externalized behavioural problems are more manifested in the population of male students. In relation to the chronological age or the grade that students attend, there are no significant differences in the manifestation of externalised and internalised behavioural problems and difficulties in learning. Teachers issue significantly more warnings and rules reminders directly to male students, and primary classroom teachers more often praise their students. Significant correlations have been identified between the externalised, internalised, and problems in the students' performance and their estimated experience of justness, equality, and demanding teachers.
Povezanost problema u ponašanju s problemima u obrazovanju predstavlja važan aspekt školskoga uspjeha učenika. Dokazano je da problemi u ponašanju recipročno negativno koreliraju sa školskim općim akademskim, odgojnim i socijalnim uspjehom učenika, a osim što su česti uzrok neuspjeha učenika, problemi u ponašanju su reakcija na nepovoljni školski kontekst. Postojanje rizičnih čimbenika u školskom okruženju nepovoljno doprinosi pojavi problema u ponašanju učenika. Izostanak primjerene potpore učenicima s problemima u ponašanju povezuje se s njihovim doživljajem vlastite nekompetentnosti. Cilj je ovoga rada opisati probleme u ponašanju učenika osnovne škole i utvrditi jesu li oni povezani s podrškom koju im pružaju njihovi učitelji. Problemi u ponašanju opisani su putem analize učestalosti manifestiranja pojedinih problema u ponašanju s obzirom na dob i spol učenika. Povezanost problema u ponašanju s podrškom koju im pružaju njihovi učitelji analizirana je putem korelacijske analize procjene pružene i primljene podrške u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu i manifestiranja problema u ponašanju učenika. Uzorak istraživanja čine učenici i njihovi učitelji iz 4., 6., i 8. razreda. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da eksternalizirane probleme u ponašanju značajnije više manifestiraju učenici muškoga spola. Utvrđeno je da u odnosu na kronološku dob učenika nema značajnih razlika u manifestaciji eksternaliziranih i internaliziranih problema u ponašanju te teškoća u učenju. Učitelji značajno više opominju i upozoravaju na pravila muške učenike, a učitelji razredne nastave češće pohvaljuju svoje učenike. Utvrđene su značajne korelacije eksternaliziranih, internaliziranih i problema u izvršavanju zadataka učenika s procijenjenim doživljajem pravednosti, ravnopravnosti i zahtjevnosti učitelja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE