Pathology of the Contemporary Sacral Architecture as Communicational Infrastructure in the Life of Church

Autor: Debevec, Leon
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Edinost in dialog
Edinost in dialog, vol. 69, no. 1/2, pp. 99-110, 2014.
ISSN: 2335-4127
Popis: Prispevek tematizira problem komunikacijskega potenciala krščanske sakralne arhitekture. Bogoslužna stavba je kot prostorska nujnost v človekovi želji po komunikaciji s presežnim hkrati sad interakcije Cerkve (institucije), občestva vernikov in umetnika/-ov. Zato je edinstvena komunikacijska infrastruktura v vsaj treh pogledih: v odnosu oseba – Bog, v odnosih med subjekti, odgovornimi za njen obstoj, in v odnosu med izročilom, ki mu pripada, ter stvarnostjo, v kateri je navzoča. Dezorientiranost bogoslužnega prostora, njegova hierarhična inverznost, simbolna nevtralnost (trivialnost) in obredna poljudnost (poljubnost) so samo nekateri patološki znaki v sodobni krščanski sakralni arhitekturi, ki kažejo na globoko krizo v vseh treh naštetih komunikacijskih plasteh. The paper deals with the problem of the power of Christian sacral architecture communication. A place of worship as a spatial necessity in human desire to communicate with transcendency is a result of interaction between Church (institution), congregation and artist(s). Therefore, it is a unique infrastructure for communication through at least three different views: in relation between man and God, in relations between fields responsible for its existence and finally in the relation between the tradition that sacral building belongs to and reality in which it is present. Disorientation of sacral space, its hierarchical inversiveness, the neutrality of its symbolic meanings and ritual arbitrarity are only few pathological signs in Christian contemporary sacral architecture that shows a deep crisis in all of the three presented levels of communication.
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