TOmCAT OGS – Optical Feederlink

Autor: Human, J.D., Petersson, H.I.M., Ferrario, I., Breeje, R. den, Klop, W.A., Pettazzi, F., Silvestri, F., Gruber, J.M., Saathof, R., Moens, T.M.N., Russchenberg, T., Lange, T.J. de, Spierdijk, J.P.F., Hazelebach, R.L.M., Kuiper, S., Scheffers, P.I., Korevaar, C.W.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: TNO Optical SATCOM Day, Delft, 7 November 2019
Popis: To overcome data rate limitations of RF communication links with satellites, TNO and Airbus Netherlands envision optical free-space communication feeder links for next generation high throughput satellites. This poster presents a feasibility assessment of such links and the technology needed by means of a link budget and a turbulence model of terabit/s optical links. Based on these parameters, requirements and status of the link-subsystems are discussed, and a roadmap is presented, aimed at achieving terabit per second optical feeder links.
Databáze: OpenAIRE