Europski standardi i budućnost znanstveno-stručnih časopisa - ograničenja i izazovi

Autor: Vedran Đulabić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave
Volume 7
Issue 4
ISSN: 1848-0357
Popis: U radu se razmatraju pitanja vezana uz europske standarde uređivanja i izdavanja periodičnih publikacija s posebnim nallaskom na znanstvene i znanstveno-stručne časopise s područja javne uprave. Rad je strukturiran tako da sadržava prikaz sastanaka urednika časopisa s podrčuja javne uprave i javnog menadžmenta održanog u Madridu kao i prikaz okruglog stola urednika društvenih časopisa održanog u Zadru. Formuliraju se opći zaključci proizašli iz spomenutih događaja te se razmatraju neka bitna pitanja povezana s uredničkim i izdavačkim procesom. Na kraju se analizira časopis Hrvatska javna uprava u svjetlu suvremenih razvojnih tendencija i detektiraju područja na kojima postoji prostor za njegovo unapređenje.
The author discusses the issues related to the European standards of editing and publishing periodicals with special emphasis on scientific and scientific-professional journals in the field of public administration. The paper contains a report from the meeting hosting editors of journals dealing with public administration and public management held in Madrid in September 2007, and a report form the round table hosting editors of journals dealing with social sciences held in Zadar in September 2007. The author has made general conclusions from both meetings and discusses some important issues related to the process of editing and publishing scientific journals. Special emphasis is put on the influence of ICT on the editorial process; recognition of editorial work as part of scientific performance and association of editors into editors’ associations; integrating journals into international networks; simplification of the editorial process; and the issue of language in scientific journals in relation to the widespread influence of the English language. Finally, the author analyses the journal Croatian Public Administration in relation to the above mentioned development tendencies and detects the areas where there is room for editorial improvements.
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