The effect of the presence of alcohol in the dispersing phase of oxide sols on the properties of RuO2-TiO2/Ti anodes obtained by the solgel procedure

Autor: Vladimir Panić, Dekanski, A., Milonjic, S., Atanasoski, R., Nikolic, B.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Vol 65, Iss 9, Pp 649-660 (2000)
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
ISSN: 0352-5139
Popis: The effect of the addition of ethanol and 2-propanol to the dispersing phase of TiO2 and RuO2 sols mixture on the morphology and, consequently, on the electrochemical properties of the sol-gel obtained activated titanium anodes was investigated. The properties of the obtained anodes were compared to those obtained by the thermal decomposition of appropriate chloride salts. The morphology of the anode coatings was examined by scanning tunneling microscopy. The electrochemical behaviour was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and by polarization measurements. An accelerated stability test was used for the examination of the stability of the anodes under simultaneous oxygen and chlorine evolution reaction. A dependence of the anode stability on the type of added alcohol is indicated. U radu je ispitivan uticaj dodavanja etanola odnosno izopropanola u disperznu sredinu smeše solova TiO2 i RuO2 na morfologiju i elektrohemijske osobine aktiviranih titanskih anoda dobijenih sol-gel postupkom. Osobine ovako dobijenih anoda su poređene kako međusobno tako i sa osobinama anoda dobijenih termičkim postupkom iz hlorida rutenijuma i titana. Morfologija anodnih prevlaka ispitivana je skenirajućom tunelskom mikroskopijom, a elektrohemijsko ponašanje cikličnom voltametrijom i polarizacionim merenjima. Stabilnost anoda u paralelnim reakcijama izdvajanja kiseonika i hlora ispitivana je ubrzanim testom stabilnosti. Uočeno je da morfologija, elektrokatalitička aktivnost i stabilnost dobijenih anoda zavisi od vrste dodatog alkohola.
Databáze: OpenAIRE