Kvalitativní parametry vajec křepelek japonských

Autor: Ondrušíková, Sylvie
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Qualitative parameters of Japanese quail eggs are associated with the quality and individual eggshells and egg components. Eggs as one of the nutritionally most important foods are characterized by qualitative parameters that evaluate their food safety and freshness. These properties are divided into external and internal. Among the external features of eggs belongs egg weight, egg shape index, shell color, pollution shells, shell wholeness, strength and thickness of the shell, the smell of eggs and its structure. The internal properties are focused on the individual components separately, which means that these tests are different for yolk and albumen and they are ranked among the main indicators of quality of eggs. These include density, freezing point, the weight of egg albumen, egg yolk and shell, yolk index, albumen index, Haugh units, yolk color, albumen and yolk pH. The quality of the eggs is also affected by many factors, such as age of hens, composition of the diet, the effects of genotype and health status.
Databáze: OpenAIRE