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Proučavajući Sveto pismo, kršćani već od prvih stoljeća počinju uočavati ulogu Blažene Djevice Marije u povijesti spasenja. Sve kršćanske crkve i zajednice od svojih početaka na poseban način štuju Blaženu Djevicu Mariju, iako se ne slažu u svim pitanjima vezanim za nju. Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se upravo pitanjem mariologije ili učenja o Mariji u kršćanstvu. U radu se nastoji sažeto iznijeti protestantsko i pravoslavno učenje o Mariji, zatim ga usporediti sa katoličkim učenjem. Rad je podijeljen na tri dijela. Prvo poglavlje bavi se protestantskom mariologijom s posebnim naglaskom na Lutherovu djelu: Komentar Magnificata. Osim toga, na početku poglavlja opisuju se uzroci nastanka reformacije te osnovna načela protestantizma. U drugom poglavlju govori se o važnosti mariologije za pravoslavnu teologiju i liturgiju. Konačno, u trećem dijelu pokušavamo iz perspektive četiri katoličke dogme o Mariji ukazati na neke zajedničke elemente učenja o Mariji među kršćanima za buduću ekumensku mariologiju. By studying the Scriptures, even in the first few centuries, Christians have started noticing the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the history of salvation. All Christian churches and communities have venerated the Blessed Virgin Mary in a special way since their beginnings, although they do not agree on all of the points related to her. The main purpose of this thesis is to deal with the question of Mariology, i.e. the theological study of Mary in Christianity. This paper tries to summarise the Protestant and Orthodox teachings about Mary, and then compare them with Catholic teachings. The paper is divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with Protestant Mariology with a special emphasis on Luther's Magnificat commentary. In addition, the beginning of the chapter describes the causes of the Reformation as well as the basic principles of Protestantism. The second chapter discusses the importance of Mariology for Orthodox theology and liturgy. Finally, in the third part, from the perspective of four Catholic dogmas, we will try to point out the common elements of the teachings about Mary amongst all Christians for future ecumenical Mariology. |