Teoretisanja o intenzitetu participacije: razgovor o participaciji i politici [Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics]

Autor: Henry Jenkins, Nico Carpentier
Přispěvatelé: Communicatiewetenschappen, Centrum voor de Studie van Democratie, Significatie en Verzet
Zdroj: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Popis: Ovaj razgovor je zapoceo u Pragu, u Ce?koj, tokom panel diskusije kojom je moderirala Irena Reifova na simpozijumu "O osna?enoj i strastvenoj publici u vrijeme konvergencije medija" (On Empowered and Impassioned Audiences in the Age of Media Convergence) koju je organizovao Fakultet dru?tvenih nauka Karlovog univerziteta. Tekst sadr?i niz rasprava. Prvo, postoji razgovor o karakteru participativne demokratske utopije i kulture participacije i tome kako grupe prihvataju (ili ne prihvataju) po?eljne prednosti novih medija. Pri cemu se nagla?ava politicka priroda i potencijal popularne kulture i razmatra povezanost sa institucionalnom politikom. U ostala tri kljucna podrucja pominju se: uloga razlicitih kultura liderstva, znacaj organizacije u strukturiranju procesa participacije, kao i potreba za unapredenjem nivoa gradanske pismenosti, omogucavajuci vecu podr?ku kulturi participacije. Ove teme su povezane u raspravi o definiciji participacije i njenom povezano?cu sa vla?cu. Obuhvacene su razlike izmedu participacije sa jedne strane i interakcije, anga?ovanosti, interpretacije i cirkulacije sa druge. Konacno, osnovna nit rasprave je o ulozi akademske zajednice, sa naglaskom na odnos izmedu kriticke teorije i kulturalnih studija, potrebe da se dekonstrui?u sopstveni okviri i pitanjem koji jezik treba koristiti kako bi se naucna istra?ivanja predstavila javnosti.
This conversation started in Prague, the Czech Republic, during a panel moderated by Irena Reifová at the symposium 'On Empowered and Impassioned Audiences in the Age of Media Convergence'. The event was organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. The text contains a series of discussions. First, there is a conversation about the nature of the participatory democratic utopia and participatory culture and how groups take (or do not take) advantage of the affordances of new and emerging media. It also emphasizes the political nature and potential of popular culture and touches upon its connection to institutionalized politics. Three other key areas are mentioned: the role of different cultures of leadership, the significance of organizations in structuring participatory processes, and the need to enhance civic learning, providing more support for participatory cultures. This is combined with an interlocking discussion about the definition of participation and how it is tied up with power.It covers the differences between participation and interaction, engagement, interpretation, production, curation, and circulation. Finally, there is an underlying strand of discussion about the role of academia, focusing on the relationship between critical theory and cultural studies, the need to deconstruct our own frameworks and the question of which language to use to communicate academic research to the public.
Databáze: OpenAIRE