Cystic, Multilocular Metanephric Adenoma of the Kidney: Clinical, Radiologic and Pathologic Features . Case Report

Autor: Štimac, G, Dimanovski, J, Ruić, B, Spajić, B, Popović, A, Krušlin, B
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Acta clinica Croatica
Volume 43
Issue 2
ISSN: 1333-9451
Popis: A case of multilocular, cystic metanephric adenoma in a 34-year-old man is presented to increase awareness among urologists and radiologists of this rare entity. Metanephric adenoma of the kidney is an uncommon benign epithelial tumor that may present at any age. To our knowledge, only few cases of cystic manifestation have been reported. Metanephric adenoma is extremely rare and its diagnosis should be considered in a patient with well circumscribed multilocular renal tumor and paraneoplastic syndromes. Its appearance on sonography, intravenous pyelography and magnetic resonance is described. Distinct pathologic features are also discussed. Radiologic and clinical features of the tumor are nonspecific, and histopathologic examination is essential to establish definitive diagnosis. Its recognition may facilitate nephron-sparing surgery.
Prikazan je slučaj cističnog, multilokularnog metanefričkog adenoma u 34-godišnjeg bolesnika. Metanefrički adenom je izrazito rijetka benigna epitelna neoplazma bubrega koja se može javiti u bilo kojoj dobi. Prema našim saznanjima prikazano je samo nekoliko slučajeva cistične manifestacije metanefričkog adenoma u literaturi. Prikazane su radiološke i patohoistološke značajke tumora. Kliničke značajke tumora su nespecifične i za definitivnu dijagnozu potrebna je patohistološka analiza. Djelomična resekcija odnosno enukleacija tumora terapijska je metoda izbora.
Databáze: OpenAIRE