SEMEOTICONS - Revised specification of system requirements and functionalities

Autor: Colantonio S., Germanese D., Righi M., Martinelli M., Coppini G., Morales M., Chiarugi F., Pediaditis M., Stromberg T., Randeberg L., Vitali I.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Project report, SEMEOTICONS, Deliverable D2.1.2, 2015
Popis: This deliverable reports on requirements and specifications for the Wize Mirror prototype from the research, scientific and technological innovation perspective.In this document, we report the amendments and/or corrections to: - medical requirements, also in accordance with the final release of the face semeiotic model of cardio-metabolic risk as reported in deliverable D1.1.2 "Final Semeiotic Model of Cardio-Metabolic Risk"; - methodological requirements, by refining the guidelines for the development of the core research methods; - technological requirements, by further specifying the needs for hardware and software resources.
Databáze: OpenAIRE