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U ovom je radu opisano kako je ostvarena automatizacija modela pokretne trake tvrtke 'fischertechnik' upravljanog programirljivim logičkim kontrolerom (PLC) Siemens S7-1200. Program za PLC kojim je ostvarena automatizacija napisan je u programskom jeziku SCL (strukturirani programski jezik) koristeći programski alat TIA Portal i djelovanje programa je eksperimentalno ispitano na danom modelu pokretne trake. Ostvarene su dvije mogućnosti upravljanja modelom trake: ručna i automatska. U ručnom načinu rada ostvarena je mogućnost upravljanja pojedinim dijelovima modela pomoću računala i odgovarajućih programskih alata. U automatskom načinu rada pojedini dijelovi modela trake se postupno automatski pokreću jedan za drugim i tako provode predmet kroz obradni centar kako bi ga se potpuno obradilo. This paper describes how the automation of the model of conveyor belt fabricated by company 'fischertechnik' and controlled by programmable logic controller (PLC) Siemens S7-1200 is realized. The program for the PLC which realizes the automation is written in the SCL programming language (structured programming language) using a programming tool TIA Portal and the operation of program was experimentally tested on a given model of the conveyor belt. Two possibilities of conveyor belt model control are realized: manual and automatic. In manual mode the ability to control certain parts of the model using a computer and appropriate software tools is achieved. In automatic mode, the individual parts of the conveyor belt model are gradually and automatically started one after the other and so the object is brought through the processing center in order to be fully processed. |