Percepire i nuovi scavi di Ercolano (1927-1961) attraverso gli archivi

Autor: Monteix, Nicolas
Přispěvatelé: Centre Jean Berard (CJB), Ecole française de Rome (EFR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paolo Giulierini, Antonella Coralini, Elena Calandra, Monteix, Nicolas, Paolo Giulierini, Antonella Coralini, Elena Calandra
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Miniere della memoria. Scavi in archivi, depositi e biblioteche
Paolo Giulierini, Antonella Coralini, Elena Calandra. Miniere della memoria. Scavi in archivi, depositi e biblioteche, All'insegna del Giglio, pp.147-161, 2020, 9788878149861
Popis: International audience; This paper aims at describing how archaeological archives have been scattered and at opening new leads that would help going beyond a simple – even if always necessary – use of these archives to obtain new data on ancient excavations. The main lead would be to show how the archives helps in critiquing earlier archaeology, with a further scope to develop a proper history of archaeology as a discipline.Using the excavations made in Herculaneum during the 20th c. as a case-study, this paper shows, through the exploration of administrative archives, how A. Maiuri could not attend frequently to the excavations and thus had to delegate their monitoring. Furthermore, new insights are given on the works made after World War II and on their funding.
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