Policy Paper 09: Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue II Conference Papers

Autor: Young-Koo, Cha, Kang, Choi, JI, Guoxing, Mack, Andrew, Pregenzer, Arian L., Dobrovolski, Vassili
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Young-Koo, Cha; Kang, Choi; JI, Guoxing; Mack, Andrew; Pregenzer, Arian L.; & Dobrovolski, Vassili. (1994). Policy Paper 09: Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue II Conference Papers. Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. UC San Diego: Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. Retrieved from: http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/0b16f8w2
Popis: These papers were prepared as background papers for the May 1994 meeting of hte NEACD in Tokyo. They neither represent a consensus of the participants nor a summary of any part of the discussions at any of the meetings. They are presented here in the hopes that other readers outside of the NEACD prcess will find them to be as useful and thought-provoling as did the hosts and participants.
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