TESLA-C Optical Bench

Autor: Bol, J.C.P., Pettazzi, F., Man, H. de, Lange, T.J. de, Werkhoven, W.P. van, Crowcombe, W.E., Oosterling, J.A.J., Verhoven, R., Goeje, M.P. de, Verhofstad, F., Nijkerk, M.D., Gruijters, C., Neer, S. van
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: TNO Optical SATCOM Day, Delft, 7 November 2019
Popis: To accommodate such a massive satellite constellation with OCT’s, the following key drivers are identified for the space terminals: - Low Size, Weight and Power (SWaP): One of the key advantages of using optical communication wavelengths over RF wavelength is that it allows for highly compact and low power OCT’s. To fully realize this potential, all components in the laser communication terminal should be targeted for high compactness, and low power dissipation – Low Recurring cost: For large constellations of satellites are with multiple communication terminals per satellites, the recurring cost of the terminals and its components need to be low for commercial viability - Low latency, high reliability and security: To guarantee secure, and reliable communication with minimum latency, this also should account for the OCT.
Databáze: OpenAIRE