Elucidating PID Degradation Mechanisms and In Situ Dark I-V Monitoring for Modeling Degradation Rate in CdTe Thin-Film Modules

Autor: Hacke, Peter, Spataru, Sergiu, Johnston, Steve, Terwilliger, Kent, VanSant, Kaitlyn, Kempe, Michael, Wohlgemuth, John, Kurtz, Sarah, Olsson, Anders, Propst, Michelle
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Hacke, P, Spataru, S, Johnston, S, Terwilliger, K, VanSant, K, Kempe, M, Wohlgemuth, J, Kurtz, S, Olsson, A & Propst, M 2016, ' Elucidating PID Degradation Mechanisms and In Situ Dark I-V Monitoring for Modeling Degradation Rate in CdTe Thin-Film Modules ', I E E E Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 1635-1640 . https://doi.org/10.1109/JPHOTOV.2016.2598269
Popis: A progression of potential-induced degradation (PID) mechanisms are observed in CdTe modules, including shunting/junction degradation and two different manifestations of series resistance depending on the stress level and water ingress. The dark I-V method for in-situ characterization of Pmax based on superposition was adapted for the thin-film modules undergoing PID in view of the degradation mechanisms observed. An exponential model based on module temperature and relative humidity was fit to the PID rate for multiple stress levels in chamber tests and validated by predicting the observed degradation of the module type in the field.
Databáze: OpenAIRE