Electrical resistance of cotton-metal fibre yarns

Autor: Mihajlidi, T., Milosavljevič, S., Koviljka Asanovic, Simič, D., Simič, M.
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe
Popis: Yarns representing cotton-metal fibre blends were studied. The electrical resistance of yarns including different fractions of cotton and metal fibres was compared with cotton yarns having the same nominal characteristics. The expected dominant role of metal fibres in conducting electric current and the decrease in yarn's electrical resistance with the increase of metal fibre content was registered. The large dispersion of results and time instability of the electrical resistance of yarns consisting of cotton and metal fibres may be related to the increase of the cross section and insufficiently compact structure of such yarns. The increase in yarn's electrical resistance with the increase in stress was observed in the samples.
Databáze: OpenAIRE