The Project Workbook as a Communication, Organization and Reflection Tool

Autor: Thomsen, Bente Dahl
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Thomsen, B D 2018, The Project Workbook as a Communication, Organization and Reflection Tool . in DS 93: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E &PDE 2018) : Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? . Design Society, London, pp. 572-577, 20 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION, London, United Kingdom, 06/09/2018 . < >
Popis: Projektmappen som en samling af de arbejdspapirer som løbende genereres under en udviklingsprocessen er udfordret af de digitale medier. Projektmappens formål er at give udviklingstemaet en mulighed for at bevare overblikket over designprocessens dokumentation. For studiegrupper udgør de blandede medier en kommunikativ udfordring i mødet med eksterne parter og vejledninger. Teoretisk set kunne alt materialet bringes i fysisk eller digital form, således at evalueringer og refleksioner kunne foregå i et glidende forløb. Realiteten er dog, at de løbende dokumenteres i forbindelse med håndskitser og til dels også i forhold til fysiske 3D-skitser, mens Cad-modelleringer kun sporadisk gøres til genstand for komparative evalueringer i udviklingsforløbet. Det er et problem i projektorienteret læring, der bygger på repetitiv vidensproduktion. En sådan fluktuerende designproces skaber designrepræsentationer i forskellige faser som kategorialt hører til samme aksonometriske gruppe, rejser også spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt projektmappen skal organiseres efter en designprocesmodel eller efter en taksonomi. Formålet med denne artikel er derfor dobbelt. For det første at identificere metoder som kan bygge bro over dokumentationensgabet. For det andet at diskutere fordele og ulemper i de ovenfor nævnte metoder til katalogisering af designrepræsentationer. The project workbook as a collection of working papers, which are continuously generated during a product development process, is challenged by the digital media. The purpose of the project workbook is to maintain an overview of the documentation of the design process. For study groups, the mixed media constitutes a communicative challenge in the meeting with supervisors and external parties. Theoretically, all documents could be brought to either a physical or a digital form, so evaluations and reflections could take place in a fluid process. In reality, the hand sketches are produced continuously and partly also the physical 3D sketches while CAD models are only occasionally turned into subjects for comparative evaluations during the development process. This is a problem for the project-oriented learning, because it is based on the production of the repetitive knowledge. Such a fluctuating design process creates design representations in different phases that categorically belong to the same axonometric group, which also raises the question whether the project workbook should in fact be organized according to a design process model or taxonomy. The purpose of this paper is therefore double. Firstly, it aims to identify methods that can bridge the gap of documentation. Secondly, it discusses the pros and cons of the above-mentioned methods for cataloguing design representations.
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