Activity profile for 10-12-year-old Danish school children participating in 'FIFA 11 for Health' for Europe

Autor: Mads Madsen, Christina Ørntoft, Lene Louise Sandager, Ida Katrine Lundager, Rune Rasmussen Lind, Malte Nejst Larsen, Peter Krustrup
Zdroj: University of Southern Denmark
Madsen, M, Ørntoft, C Ø, Sandager, L L, Lundager, I K, Lind, R R, Larsen, M N & Krustrup, P 2017, Activity profile for 10-12-year-old Danish school children participating in “FIFA 11 for Health” for Europe . in Proceedings of World Conference on Science and Soccer . pp. 267, World conference on science and soccer 2017, Rennes, France, 31/05/2017 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE