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The results of measuring maximum loads on different slopes when skidding uphill with WOO DY 110 cable skidder and adapted 4WD agricultural tractor AGT 835 are described in the article. Both tractors are very different and were chosen for the purpose of finding the limits of uphill skidding. Besides the slope, the pre-designated loads of different sizes and log orientation (butt-end or top-end forward) have been main variables. The trial was conducted on two concave shaped test skid trails in the forest. On the lower altitudes, the skid trails had small inclination, which slowly increased to 42% on the track where WOODY 110 was tested, and 27% where AGT 835 was measured. First the loads were skidded uphill with butt-end and then with top-end forward. The purpose was to choose too heavy loads, as we wished to stop tractors due to overload, but on different slopes. The proper load formation (butt-end forward if possible) in uphill skidding is most important on steeper skid trails. The dependency between maximum load and slope is linear. The calculated theoretical maximum load on horizontal surface enables us to make similar assessment for any other tractor weighing between 2 and 7 tons. For this purpose, John Deere 6220 and LIMB 80 LUXS adapted agricultural tractors for forest use were chosen and compared. The ratio between the tractor load on different slopes and tractor weight was calculated for all four tractors included in our comparison. Apart from the weight, tractor's engine torque (power) has the decisive influence on the load size. Maximum loads on different slope categories were calculated according to different engine powers. Članek obravnava rezultate meritev spravila navzgor z gozdarskim traktorjem WOODY 110 in prilagojenim kmetijskim traktorjem s pogonom na štiri kolesa AGT 835 z mehanskim in hidrostatsko-mehanskim pogonom. Namen analize je bilo ugotavljanje maksimalnih bremen. Oba traktorja sta zelo različna in sta bila izbrana zato, da bi ocenili zmogljivosti traktorjev pri spravilu lesa navzgor. Poleg naklona vlake so bile spremenljivke še vnaprej določene velikosti bremen in njihove orientacije (z debelim oz. tanjšim koncem naprej). Meritve so bile opravljene v gozdu na dveh testnih vlakah konkavne oblike. Vlake so imele v spodnjem delu majhen naklon, ki se je pri vlaki za WOODY 110 povzpel na 42 % in na 27 % na vlaki, kjer je bil merjen AGT 835. Bremena so bila vlečena navzgor z debelim in v drugem poskusu s tankim koncem pri traktorju. Namen je bil izbrati pretežka bremena za takšne naklone, da bi se traktor zaradi preobremenitve zaustavil pri nekem naklonu vlake. Pokazalo se je, da je pri spravilu navzgor pravilno oblikovanje bremena (če je mogoče, z debelim koncem naprej) najpomembnejše na zelo strmih vlakah. Odvisnost največjega bremena in naklona vlake je linearna. Izračunano teoretično, največje breme na horizontalni podlagi omogoča oceno za katerikoli traktor, ki tehta med 2 in 7 tonami. V ta namen smo izbrali za spravilo lesa prilagojena kmetijska traktorja John Deere 6220 in LIMB 80 LUXS. Za vse štiri traktorje smo izračunali razmerje med največjim bremenom in težo traktorja. Na velikost največjega bremena poleg teže traktorja odločilno vpliva navor (in moč) motorja, zato je za različne kategorije terena izračunana odvisnost med največjim bremenom in močjo motorja. |