Model-reference adaptive control of electrical servodrives and axes synchronization using a programmable logic controller (PLC)

Autor: Vezmar, Dominik
Přispěvatelé: Pavković, Danijel
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Ovaj diplomski rad opisuje problematiku upravljanja servo sustava pomoću programibilnog logičkog kontrolera. U radu je izrađen eksperimentalni postav za prikaz rada servo sustava u realnim uvjetima. Regulacija servo sustava ostvarena je pomoću CC-Link IE TSN komunikacijskog protokola, a upravljačka jedinica regulacijskog sustava je FX5U programibilni logički kontroler tvrtke Mitsubishi Electric. Programibilni logički kontroler preko Simple Motion modula šalje podatke na trofazni pretvarač snage tvrtke Mitsubishi Electric, serije MR-J5. Signalizacija, vizualizacija i samo pokretanje sustava omogućeno je GT2512 grafičkim operaterskim terminalom povezanim sa programibilnim logičkim kontrolerom preko industrijskog Etherneta. Nakon provedene izrade eksperimentalnog postava izrađen je i u radu detaljno prikazan program za regulaciju servo sustava. Programiranje je izvedeno unutar funkcijskih blokova, gdje je samostalno izrađen blok za upravljanje servo sustavom. Na kraju rada provedene su analize rada servo sustava gdje su prikazani grafovi ključnih signala kod regulacije istog. Pomoću grafova objašnjena je bitna funkcionalnost korištenja model-referentne adaptivne regulacije u servo sustavu za suzbijanje vibracija u pogonu i dobivanje preciznih signala. This master’s thesis describes the problems of servo system control using a programmable logic controller. The paper presents an experimental setup to show the operation of the servo system in real conditions. The servo system is controlled using the CC-Link IE TSN communication protocol, and the control unit within the control system is the Mitsubishi Electric FX5U programmable logic controller. The programmable logic controller sends data via the Simple Motion module to the Mitsubishi Electric MR-J5 series Servo Amplifier. Signaling, visualization and system start-up are enabled by the GT2512 graphics operator terminal connected to a programmable logic controller via industrial Ethernet. After the experimental setup has been finished, the program for the control of the servo system was made and presented in detail in the paper. The programming is made using function blocks, where a block for controlling the servo system is made independently. At the end of the work, analyzes of the operation of the servo system were performed, where graphs of key signals for its regulation are shown. These graphs illustrate the important functionality of using model-reference adaptive control in a servo system to suppress vibrations in operation and obtain precise signals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE