Physiological and Ecological Studies on Oxalis corymbosa DC, a Perennial Weed in Upland Fields : 1. Relation between soil depth and bulb formation, germination and growth of the weed (Agricultural Experiment Station)
Autor: | Ishimine, Yukio, Takaesu, Yoshifumi |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 1977 |
Zdroj: | 琉球大学農学部学術報告. (24):611-619 |
ISSN: | 0370-4246 |
Popis: | 畑多年性雑草ムラサキカタバミは沖縄における強害雑草の一つとされている。本研究の目的は色々な条件下にある沖縄の代表的土壌であるJaagaruとMaageにおいて, この雑草がどのような生理生態的特徴を示すかを調べることである。得られた結果は次のとおりである。1.両土壌における鱗茎の垂直土中分布は表層10cm以内に72%が分布し, 20cm以上になると2∿3%の分布にすぎなかった。2.親鱗茎一個当りの子鱗茎数はJaagaru土壌よりMaage土壌に多かった。3.出芽までの日数, 葉数及び子鱗茎数は深土に対して高い相関があり, またそれらの調査項目間の相関も高く, 特に葉数と子鱗茎数との相関係数はr=0.983と高かった。4.出芽・生育と土壌水位との関係は5cm区が最も良く, 水位が高くなるにつれて次第に悪くなる。湛水区では発芽は全く認められなかった。5.鱗茎重は0.1∿2.5gの範囲内にあり, 0.3gをピークとして対数正規分布の関係が認められた。6.0.3∿2.0gの鱗茎の一日当り発芽率は置床後4∿8日間で60∿80%であり, 短期間にかなり高い発芽率を示した。0.2g以下あるいは2.0g以上の鱗茎の一日当り発芽率は非常に低かった。 In the present study, an attempt was made to elucidate certain physiological and ecological characteristics of the bulbous perennial weed of upland field Oxalis corymbosa DC in both soils of Maage and Jaagaru of Okinawa. In addition, the effect of each weight of bulbs on germination was studied. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Approximately 72% of the bulbs under observation occurred within the upper 10cm of the soil with the percentage as low as about 2 to 3 at depths 20cm or deeper. 2. There were more daughter bulbs in Maage than in Jaagaru with a high percentage in both soils at depths 25cm or deeper. 3. As to the days prior to germination, leaf numbers and daughter bulb numbers, there was a strong correlation between these three characters and varying depth. These same three characters were also correlated strongly among themselves, the correlation of the leaf numbers with the daughter bulb numbers being especially prominent, as given by the form r=0.987. 4. Highest values on the germination percentage, fresh weight and daughter bulb numbers were obtained at the 5cm saturation level with the degrees of growth progressively lower toward higher levels. No trace of germination was observed under the full saturation level conditions. 5. Bulbs in their early growth stages fell in the range from 0.1 to 2.5g. A relationship in the mode of logarithmic normal distribution was evident after the peak 0.3g. 6. The germination percentage in bulbs varying from 0.3 to 2.0g ranged between 60 and 80 at the end of a 4-day period following the placement of the bulbs on the cotton-filter paper Shares, a considerably high performance for any such short period. In contrast, the diurnal germination percentage recorded for the weight classes below 0.2g and above 2.0g was significantly low. 紀要論文 |
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