Health habits of physiotherapy and nursing students

Autor: Jularić, Filip
Přispěvatelé: Novak, Valentina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: U današnjem vremenu ogromna dostupnost konzumacijskih tvari kao duhan, alkohol, brza hrana i ostalo, često dovodi do biranja štetnih navika koje utječu na zdravlje. Jedna od najvažnijih je tjelesna aktivnost koja služi, ne samo fizičkom zdravlju gdje balansira krvni tlak, štiti od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, učvršćuje mišiće i kosti, normalizira ritam spavanja itd., nego i mentalnom zdravlju gdje se njenim bavljenjem mogu smanjiti simptomi depresije, anksioznosti i dovesti do boljeg raspoloženja. Ono što bi trebalo smanjiti, ili još bolje potpuno prestati, jest konzumiranje duhana i alkohola koje je danas izrazito rašireno po cijelom svijetu, najviše u zemljama drugog i trećeg svijeta. Također, brza tehnološka revolucija koja je dovela do snažnih mobitela i računala također je dovela do zdravstvenih problema vezanih za njihovo dugotrajno korištenje kao npr. problemi s težinom i kralježnicom. Makar već postoje provedena istraživanja stara i do dva desetljeća, zabrinutost i ozbiljnost oko tehnologije još je na relativno niskoj razini barem na Zapadu. Istraživanje o zdravstvenim navikama u sestrinstvu i fizioterapiji prve, druge i treće godine studija provedeno je u 8. i 9. mjesecu 2021. godine na području Republike Hrvatske. Anketa se sastojala od 32 pitanja zatvorenog tipa koju su ispunili 202 ispitanika. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da kod oba studija postoji značajan broj štetnih navika, no kod studenata sestrinstva je taj broj generalno veći u usporedbi sa studentima iz fizioterapije. Studenti sa sestrinstva su se izrazili da više konzumiraju duhanske proizvode, rjeđe koriste zaštitu tokom seksualnog odnosa, imaju povišenu tjelesnu težinu, da se manji broj bavi tjelesnom aktivnošću te da manji broj ima dovoljno dug i kvalitetan san. Pitanja sa tjelesnom aktivnošću i prehranom su pokazala da oba studija imaju problem s tim djelom zdravstvenog ponašanja te bi se, uzeći taj rezultat u obzir, zbog toga trebala dodijeliti već važnosti tjelesnom zdravlju i pravilnoj prehrani. Nowadays, the huge availability of consuming substances such as tobacco, alcohol, fast food and others, often leads to the choice of harmful habits that affect health. One of the most important ones is physical activity that serves not only physical health where it balances blood pressure, protects against cardiovascular disease, strengthens muscles and bones, normalizes sleep rhythm, etc., but also mental health where doing it can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and lead to a better mood. What should be reduced, or better yet completely stopped, is the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, which is now extremely widespread throughout the world, mostly in second and third world countries. Also, the rapid technological revolution that has led to powerful cell phones and computers has also led to health problems related to their long-term use as for example weight and spine problems. Although research up to two decades old has been conducted, concerns and seriousness about the technology are still relatively low, at least in the West. The research on health habits in nursing and physiotherapy in the first, second and third year of college was conducted in August and September of 2021 in the Republic of Croatia. The survey consisted of 32 closed-ended questions completed by 202 respondents. The results of this study showed that in both studies there is a significant number of harmful habits, but in nursing students this number is generally higher compared to physiotherapy students. Nursing students expressed that they consume more tobacco products, use protection less during sexual intercourse, have increased body weight, that a smaller number engage in physical activity and that a smaller number have a sufficiently long and quality sleep. Questions with physical activity and nutrition have shown that both studies have a problem with this part of health behavior and that, taking this result into account, the importance of physical health and proper nutrition should be given more importance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE