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Tirozinaza je metaloenzim koji uzrokuje enzimsko posmeđivanje oštećenog voća, povrća i gljiva konverzijom monofenolnih i polifenolnih spojeva u smeđe obojene melanoidne pigmente. Budući da su reakcije enzimskog posmeđivanja nepoželjne, dolazi do istraživanja mogućih inhibitora tirozinaze u prehrambenoj industriji. Inhibicija tirozinaze može se postići dodatkom tvari polifenolne strukture, kao što su derivati kumarina koji pokazuju izrazitu stereokemijsku sličnost supstratima enzima te samim time i veliki afinitet za aktivno mjesto enzima. Tyrosinase is a metaloenzyme responsible for enzymatic browning reactions in damaged fruits, vegetables and fungi by conversion of monophenol and polyphenol compounds into brown colored pigments. Since enzymatic browning reactions are undesirable, research of potent tyrosinase inhibitors for use in food industry is still of interest. Inhibition of tyrosinase activity can be accomplished by addition of a polyphenolic compounds, such as coumarin derivatives, which exhibit a strong sterochemical similarity with enzyme substrates and affinity for the active site of enzyme. |