Testaceans (Protozoa: Testacea) in Quaternary permafrost sediments of Bykovsky Peninsula, Arctic Yakutia

Autor: Bobrov, AA, Siegert, Ch, Schirrmeister, L, Andreev, AA
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: EPIC3Biology Bulletin, 30(2), pp. 191-206
Biology Bulletin, 30 (2). pp. 191-206.
EPIC3Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Biological series, 30(2), pp. 236-253, ISSN: 0002-3329
Popis: The results of the first protozoological study in terms of paleoecology of long-term sediments and buried soils formed in the cryolite zone of northeastern Siberia are discussed. The data on testaceans (Protozoa: Testacea) inhabiting various sites of Bykovsky Peninsula, Laptev Sea coast near estuary of Lena, within the last 53 000 years (Late Pleistocene and Holocene) are presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE