Planiranje djelomične proteze

Autor: Ahmed, Antonia
Přispěvatelé: Lajnert, Vlatka
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: U ordinaciju dentalne medicine često se javljaju pacijenti koji su izgubili svoje prirodne zube. Samim time izgubljena je i funkcija i estetika cjelovitog stomatognatog sustava što ugrožava njihov svakodnevni govor, hranjenje, ali i socijalni kontakt. Zadatak doktora dentalne medicine je pronaći pravo rješenje za svakoga pacijenta. Za kvalitetnu terapiju treba provesti temeljitu dijagnostiku. Budući da je ponekad raspored i broj zubi takav da nije moguće napraviti fiksno-protetski rad, potrebno je isplanirati optimalan mobilno-protetski rad kako bi pacijent bio zadovoljan. Djelomična proteza je mobilni protetski rad koji nadomješta izgubljene prirodne zube, oslanjajući se uglavnom na preostale prirodne zube koji služe kao uporište proteze. Na raspolaganju stoji više vrsta djelomičnih proteza s obzirom na vrstu retencije proteze. Najjednostavnije rješenje je djelomična skeletirana proteza retinirana lijevanim kvačicama, no estetski nije u potpunosti prihvatljiva. Međutim danas postoje djelomične proteze koje, osim funkcionalnog, zadovoljavaju i estetski čimbenik te su pacijenti puno zadovoljniji. To su proteze retinirane preciznim pričvrstcima, dvostrukim krunama te implantatima. A frequent problem among the patients who come to dental practise is tooth loss. Therefore, they lost the function and aesthetic of entirestomatognathic system which endangers their everyday speech, eating and the social contact. The mission of doctorsof the dental medicine is to find the right solution for every patient. For high-quality therapy, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnostic procedure. Since sometimes the placement and the number of teeth isn't adequate for the realization of the fixed-prothetic work, it is needed to plan the optimal mobile-prothetic work in order that the patient is content. A partial denture is the mobile prothetic work which replaces lost natural teeth, relying mostly on the remaining natural teeth that serve as the denture strongpoint. On disposal are multiple kinds of partial dentures considering the type of retention. The most simple solution is the metal partial denture framework which is retained with the clasps, but it isn't completely accepted due to the bad aesthetic. However, in today's world exist partial dentures which, alongside the functional, satisfy the aesthetic factor as well and the patients are more pleased. Those dentures are retained with the attachments, telescopic crowns and implants.
Databáze: OpenAIRE