Energibesparing genom minskat kylbehov i butik : Butiksbelysningens inverkan på kylsystemets energiförbrukning

Autor: Laisfeldt, Hanna
Jazyk: švédština
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Nordic Light designs and manufactures lights to companies and retail shops all around the globe, and it is important to keep the right light to get the right impression for our vision. In a retail shop for sale of clothes, the energy consumption for lighting can lie around 70 % of the total. The lighting gives off almost as much heat as the power it uses, which means it is heating the shop and the shops around it. Very often an extra cooling system needs to be installed when only the ventilation cooling is not enough to keep the shop cool. If the power of the lighting is lowered, both energy and costs can be saved through reduced energy consumption for The lightingThe cooling of the shop with the extra cooling system and/or the ventilation systemBy examine a clothing shop nearby Stockholm, the need of cooling due to the heat input from the shop lighting could be studied. The shop was located in a shopping mall with adjoining shops and premises. The studied sections wereHeat transfer – transmission & infiltrationHeat input – lighting, heat of people, electronic equipment & solar radiationThe ventilation coolingThe extra cooling system – water-based cooling with chilled beams and a chillerThe current lighting, with 37 821 W of high intensity discharge lamps, was compared to other alternatives of lighting which wereLED – total power of 42 620 WHigh intensity discharge lamps – more in number but with a lower need of power with only 21 160 WWith LED it is possible to dim without having any negative changes in the light composition, therefor testes were made with percentage changes of the current lighting. The energy saving was examined according toPercentage reductions of the present lighting with an interval of 10 % from 90 % until 50 %An examination of the yearly energy consumption with percentage reductions. The energy consumption of the shop in 2013 was used for the calculationsThe examined shop paid only for the extra cooling from the chiller, which is why the savings considered in this report only applies for this one. The result of the calculations for the energy consumption showed thatLED – no savingHigh intensity discharge lamps (lower power) – 5,07 kWh or 3,84 W/m2Every percentage reduction of 10 % - 1,39 kWh or 1,05 W/m2Yearly saving of percentage reduction – 5000 kWh for each 10 % reductionThe yearly saving of the energy consumption of the extra cooling system and the lighting of the shop was calculated to be18 000 kWh/år for every 10 % reduction.In the examined shop the most of the lighting was 35 W high intensity discharge lamps, and the considered LED lamps that have the matching light intensity need more energy to give off the same effect. That means that a direct change to LED would use more energy than the current lighting.Looking at LED lamps with a need of lower power the light intensity is much better than the high intensity discharge lamps. That means that the current lamps with 20 W could be changed into 15 W LED for energy saving. In this shop these lamps were so few that only a minimal change would be done. These values are not presented in the report. To make sure that no need of extra heating will emerge, no larger decrease than 20 % of the lighting should be done. It is needed to be considered that it might be worth to heat the shop during some times in the winter, because it might be cheaper than cooling the shop during the warmer months. Validerat; 20141024 (global_studentproject_submitter)
Databáze: OpenAIRE