Geographical Perspectives in the Study of Environmental Issues : From four cases about the environmental issues caused by wetland developments in Japan and Korea

Autor: Asano, Toshihisa
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 環境社会学研究. 10:8-24
Popis: 環境問題研究において問題解決を志向することが重要である。その上で,何が問題なのか,どう問題になっているのか,どのように問題が作り出されているのかを理解する必要がある。問題構造を把握しようという試みは,研究蓄積も多く,加害論・被害論など,環境社会学の主要研究領域の1つとなっている。本稿では,環境問題の場所による差異に焦点をあて,地域論的な視角からの問題構造把握の可能性について検討した。ポイントは2点で,1つは加害論・被害論とは若干異なる「場所の意味」論としての問題把握であり,もう1つは環境問題の地域間比較である。取り上げた事例は,霞ヶ浦の水ガメ化,中海干拓事業,諌早湾干拓事業,世界最大規模の干拓として現在進行中の韓国セマングム干拓事業の4つである。
The aim of this paper is to focus on the regional differences of environmental issues and show that geographical perspectives are important in order to recognize them. I refer to four case studies, which are environmental issues caused by wetland developments. The first is the development of water resources and land reclamation in Lake Kasumigaura in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The second is the Nakaumi Land Reclamation Project in the Sanin region. The third is Isahaya Bay Tideland Reclamation Project in the Kyushu region. And the forth is Saemangeum Tideland Reclamation Project in southwest Korea. These projects have a lot in common. But the environmental issues are quite different. Why do similar projects cause different issues in different region? These environmental issues would be better recognized if they are caused by struggles for 'meaning of place' rather than by perpetrator-victim relations. The latter perspective involves the thought that perpetrators are wrong and victims are right, but the former perspective relativizes all actors who are concerned with the issues. Furthermore, in compound issues like the problems of Lake Kasumigaura, the conflicts of interest are so complicated that the 'benefit zone' or 'loss zone' is not clear. The perspectives of struggles for 'meaning of place' are very simple. The struggle for the 'meaning of place' is a problem of the sense of value and it is necessary to bridge the gap in values for problem solving. To focus on the 'meaning of place' requires placing more importance on regional diversification. And regionality is one of the indispensable viewpoints for seeing environmental issues.
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