Den danske frugt- og grøntbranche - Struktur, teknologi, forskningsbehov

Autor: Plichta, Kirsten, Rossen, Lone, Skovboe, Pernille
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Plichta, K, Rossen, L & Skovboe, P 1994 ' Den danske frugt-og grøntbranche-Struktur, teknologi, forskningsbehov ' Aarhus School of Business, MAPP Centre .
Popis: Executive summary 1. In the decade between 1981-91, the production value of the Danish fruit and vegetable industry increased by over 100%. In 1991, it stood at just under DKK 2.8 bn, corresponding to about 2.8% of the total production value of the Danish food sector. 2. The value added in the fruit and vegetable industry in 1991 was 38%, which was somewhat higher than for the food sector as a whole. 3. The structural reorganisation of the fruit and vegetable industry carried out between 1981-91 reduced the number of firms from 23 in 1981 to only 14 in 1991. This only affected firms with fewer than 50 employees. 4. The process of technological change in the Danish fruit and vegetable industry favours producers of frozen or fresh fruit and vegetables at the expense of producers of tinned fruit and vegetables, especially in the case of peas, carrots, and beans. 5. Competition between frozen and refrigerated products depends largely on trends in buyer preferences, the demands, needs and power of the retail trade, the development and diffusion of complementary technologies (deepfreeze and refrigerated counters), together with the costs of using them. Since developments in refrigeration technologies mainly take place outside the fr vegetable industry, firms' contacts to suppliers and external research circles, together with their ability to get the most out of their investments, are crucial to both for their incentive to invest and to the process of technological change itse 6. The Danish fruit and vegetable industry has a large number of specific research needs, which can be broken down into the following main groups: - Research into biological production technology in connection with plant breeding, disease and pest control in crop production, and preservation. - Research into mechanical production technology in harvesting, sorting, peeling, slicing, etc., and pretreatment and storage. - Research into measuring techniques in the identification of crop varieties, monitoring systems, harvesting times, predictive microbiology, quality measurements, and preservation efficiency. - Research into the use of by-products, water purification, and the reduction of water consumption.
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