Bosnian rulers and Franciscans

Autor: Pranjić, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Šoštarić, Valentina
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: U radu se predstavlja odnos između bosanskih vladara, počevši od Stjepana Kotromanića (1314. – 1353.) pa sve do Stjepana Tomaševića (1461. – 1463.). Političke, društvene, vjerske prilike krajem 12. stoljeća i početkom 13.stoljeća u Europi utjecale su na pojavu prosjačkih redovničkih redova poput franjevaca. Širenjem Božje riječi i slanjem u misiju s ciljem borbe protiv krivovjerja franjevci su došli i na prostor srednjovjekovne Bosne. Na prostoru srednjovjekovne Bosne prisutna je Crkva bosanska, heretički nauk koji je na tom području razvio svoj nauk i stekao sljedbenike. U početku su franjevački dolasci povremeni do 1340. godine kada je osnovana Bosanska vikarija. Posebno je obrađen osnutak Bosanske vikarije i okolnosti u kojima je osnovana. Pored osnutka Bosanske vikarije, obrađena je problematika osnivanja prvog samostana sv. Nikole u Milama i širenje mreže samostana. Tijekom predstavljanja odnosa bosanskih vladara obrađene su okolnosti i motivi koji su utjecali na taj odnos. Također, uloga bosanskih franjevaca u političkim aktivnostima na dvoru bosanskog vladara. Odnos između bosanskih vladara i franjevaca nije jednoličan, već se razlikuje s obzirom na to koji vladar je prisutan na bosanskom prijestolju i u kojim političkim, društvenim i vjerskim prilikama vlada. In this master is represented a relation between Bosnian rulers, starting from Stjepan Kotromanić (1314.-1353.) until Stjepan Tomašević (1461.-1463.). Political, social, religious occasions at the end of the 12th century and at the begining of the 13th century in Europe affected the occurence of mendicant monastic orders like Franciscans. By spreading the word of God and sending it in a mission with the aim of fighting against heresy, Franciscans also came to the area of medieval Bosnia. At the area of medieval Bosnia the Bosnian church is present, heretical doctrine that developed its doctrine in this area and gained followers. At the begining Franciscan arrivals are occasional until 1340.year when was established Bosnian Vicariate. It is specialy processed the establishment of Bosnian Vicariate and circumstances in which it was established. Alongside the establishment of Bosnian Vicariate, it has been processed the problem of founding the first monastery of saint Nicholas in Mila and expansion of the monastery network. During the presentation of the relations of Bosnian rulers circumstances have been processed and motives which affected to that relationship. Also, the rule of Bosnian Franciscans in political activities at the palace of Bosnian ruler. The relation between Bosnian rulers and Franciscans is not monotonous, it is already different considering on that which ruler is present on the Bosnian throne and in which political, social and religious circumstances reigns.
Databáze: OpenAIRE