Insecta Hemiptera collected in the Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley, Northwest Italy)

Autor: Alma, A, Bocca, M, Ermak, V, Chen, P, D'Urso, Vera, Exnerová, A, Goula, A, Guglielmino, A, Kunz, G, Lauterer, P, Malenovský, I, Mazzoglio, P. J., NICOLI ALDINI, R, Ouvrard, D, Remane, R, Rintala, T, Seljak, G, Söderman, G, SOULIER PERKINS, A, Tys, P, Tavella, L, Tedeschi, R, Wilson, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: The results are given of the Hemiptera collection exscursions in the Monte Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley, NW Italy) that took place during the 4th European Hemiptera Congress held in Ivrea in September 2007. Altogether 126 species of Heteroptera, belonging to 89 genera, 108 species of Auchenorrhyncha, belonging to 75 genera, and 30 species of Sternorrhyncha Psyllomorpha, belonging to 8 genera were collected at the four different elevation sites of Capoluogo-Tendeur (500-600m a.s.l.), Chevrère (1200-1400m a.s.l.), Dondena (2100-2300m a.s.l.), and Miserin (2588m a.s.l.). Of these species, 2 were new records for Italy: the Mirid Lygus maritimus and Cicadellid Edwardsiana ishidai. New records for Italy are also the Pipunculid Dipteran Tomosvarjella freidbergi and the Halictophagid Strepsipteran Halictophagus languedoci, parasitoids of Auchenorrhyncha.
Databáze: OpenAIRE