Autor: Modrić, Antonio
Přispěvatelé: Poljak-Guberina, Renata, Cigić, Livia, Gavić, Lidia, Kalibović Govorko, Danijela
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Cilj:Utvrditi koliko vremena je potrebno da bi se prilagodila žvačna funkcija nakon izrade nove proteze te koji faktori utječu na vrijeme prilagodbe. Također cilj je utvrditi postoji li povezanost spola i dobi na vrijeme prilagodbe te da li prethodna mobilna protetska terapija i vrijeme bezubosti utječu na trajanje adaptacije žvačne funkcije na novu protezu. Materijali i metode:U ovom istraživanju provedenom na odjelu protetike Stomatološke poliklinike Split sudjelovalo je 30 ispitanika, od čega 22 ženske osobe(73,3%) i 8 muških osoba(26,7%). Prosječna starost ispitanika bila je 68 godina. Za prikupljanje potrebnih podataka korištena je VAS(vizualno-analogna skala),ljestvica prema kojoj su procjenjivana 3 pitanja o žvakanju, udobnosti i retenciji proteze i CFQ(upitnik funkcije žvakanja), koji predstavlja strukturirani upitnik za procjenu žvačne funkcije. U upitnik su uneseni i podaci prikupljeni iz dentalno-medicinske dokumentacije. To su podaci o dobi(u godinama), spolu(muški / ženski), o prethodnoj protetskoj terapiji(vrsta terapije) i vremenu trajanja bezubosti(u mjesecima / godinama). Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju da prevladava ženski spol ispitanika(22) u odnosu na muški(8). Prosječna dob iznosi 68,17 godina, kod žena 67,82, a kod muškaraca 69,13 godina. Prosječno vrijeme trajanja bezubosti iznosi 228,33 mjeseca, kod žena 204,75, a kod muškaraca 236,91. Što se tiče dosadašnje terapije 90% obuhvaćaju mobilni nadomjesci, 7% fiksni radovi, dok je 3% pacijenata bilo bez prethodne terapije. Zadovoljstvo žvakanjem, udobnošću i retencijom proteze pada u prvih tjedan dana nakon predaje proteze, zatim raste do 30. dana.Zadovoljstvo navedenim faktorima među spolovima i različitim dobnim skupinama ne pokazuje značajnu statističku razliku. Što se tiče povezanosti prosjeka zbroja bodova iz upitnika žvakanja i zadovoljstva žvakanjem i udobnošću proteze po VAS-u, prisutna je negativna korelacija, dakle sa porastom zadovoljstva smanjuje se zbroj bodova iz upitnika žvakanja što ukazuje da se smanjuju poteškoće prilikom uporabe proteze. Zaključak: Na temelju rezultata može se zaključiti da čimbenici kao što su dob, spol i vrijeme bezubosti ne utječu značajno na prilagodbu žvačne funkcije nakon predaje nove proteze te da se zadovoljstvo žvačnom funkcijom s novim protezama u prvih tjedan dana nakon predaje proteze mijenja u negativnom smislu, nakon toga se poboljšava do 30. dana.
Objectives: To determine how much time is needed to for the chewing function to adapt after handing over the new denture and which factors affect the time of adaptation. Also, the aim is to determine whether gender and age are connected to the time of adaptation and whether previous mobile denture therapy and the duration of edentulism affect the time of adaptation of the chewing function to the new denture. Materials and Methods: In this research, that was conducted in the Prosthetics Department of Dental Polyclinic Split, participated 30 examinees, of which 22 female(73.3%) and 8 male persons(26.7%). The average age of examinees was 68 years. To collect the necessary data, we used VAS(visuallyanalogue scale), the scale that evaluated 3 questions about chewing, comfort and retention of the new denture and CFQ(the Chewing function questionnaire), which represents a structured questionnaire for assessment of the chewing function. The questionnaire also included data collected from dental-medical documentation, which include information about age(in years), gender(male/female), previous dental therapy(type of therapy) and duration of edentulous time(in months/years). Results: The results show that the number of female examinees predominates(22) versus the number of male examinees(8) . The average age of examinees is 68.17 years, women 67.82, and men 69.13 years. The average duration of edentulism is 228.33 months, with women 204.75, and withmen 236.91 months. Regarding the previous therapy, 90% include mobile dentures, 7% fixed work, while 3% of patients were without prior therapy. Satisfaction with chewing, comfort and retention of new dentures decreases in the first week after the handover, then increases until the 30th day. The satisfaction with above listed factors between gender and different age groups shows no significant statistical difference. About the relationship between the average sum of points from the Chewing function questionnaire and the satisfaction with chewing and comfort of new dentures from VAS, there is a negative correlation, therefore, with the increase of satisfaction, the sum of points from the Chewing function questionnaire is reduced, indicating that the difficulties when using the new denture reduce. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that factors such as age, gender and duration of edentulism do not significantly affect the adaptation of the chewing function after delivering the new denture. Also, satisfaction with the chewing function with a new denture decreases in the first week after the handover, but increases in the next 30 days.
Databáze: OpenAIRE