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Zavičaj je važan dio čovjekovog identiteta, duboko utkan u njegovo srce i zbog toga je neodvojiv dio osobnosti koja se izriče kroz umjetnost, a samim time i književnost. Književnost je oruđe kojim se oblikuju misli, a time i osoba, te je nezaobilazna prilikom odrastanja, bilo to kroz priče za laku noć ili kroz lektire u školi. Zavičajna književnost nas podsjeća na mirise, osmjehe, suze, mjesta i događaje koje vežemo uz dom, toplo okruženje u kojem smo rasli ili bar privremeno boravili. Pisci zavičajne književnosti čitatelju žele prenijeti upravo te posebnosti svoga zavičaja, a posebnost Ogulina vidljiva je ne samo iz geografskih osobina, već i iz bogate povijesti kojom grad obiluje. Jedna od posebnosti Ogulina je on sam kao inspiracija za nastanak fantastičnih pripovjednih vrsta kao što su legende, predaje i bajke. Legende koje žele prenijeti moralnu poruku, predaje koje tematiziraju podrijetlo pojava i stvari, povijesne događaje, nadnaravno u različitim oblicima te bajke koje u svakome bude želju za povratkom u djetinjstvo kroz čudesne priče koje golicaju maštu. Glede bajki, bilo bi nemoguće ne spomenuti nacionalno blago koje nam je ostavila svjetski poznata autorica Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić koja u svojoj autobiografiji ističe kolika je inspiracija rodni grad Ogulin bio za njene bajke. One's hometown is an important part of a person's identity, deeply woven into one's heart and because of this, it is an inseparable part of one's personality that is expressed through art as well as through literature. Literature is a tool used to shape thoughts, as well as a person, and that is why it is an inevitable part of one's upbringing, be it through bedtime stories or school book reports. Native literature reminds us of smells, smiles, tears, places and events that we associate with home, the warm environment where we grew up or at least temporarily stayed at. Writers of native literature wish to convey to the reader the uniqueness of their hometown, and the uniqueness of Ogulin is visible not only from its geographical features, but also from the abundant history that enriches the town. One of the peculiarities of Ogulin is that it itself is the inspiration for the creation of fantastic narrative types such as legends, traditions and fairy tales. Legends that want to convey a moral message, oral traditions that place the origin of a phenomena and things into a theme, historical events, the supernatural in different forms and fairy tales, all make everyone want to return to their childhood through wonderful stories that tease the imagination. Regarding fairy tales, it would be impossible not to mention the national treasure left to us by the world-famous author Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, who in her autobiography emphasizes how much her hometown of Ogulin was an inspiration for her fairy tales. |