Sindrom izgaranja i pridržavanje zdravom načinu života tijekom COVID-19 pandemije u studenata i liječnika dentalne medicine

Autor: Radović, Mariana
Přispěvatelé: Družijanić, Ana, Đogaš, Varja, Jerončić Tomić, Iris, Božić, Joško
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost simptoma sindroma izgaranja i zdravih životnih navika u liječnika dentalne medicine na području Republike Hrvatske i studenata dentalne medicine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu. Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je uključivalo 75 liječnika i 85 studenata dentalne medicine, a provedeno je putem anonimnog anketnog upitnika koristeći Google Forms mrežnu aplikaciju. Pritom se procjenjivalo vlastito nošenje sa stresom, rizik od komplikacija COVID-19, razine sindroma sagorijevanja te procjena životnih navika u ispitanika. Za određivanje simptoma sagorijevanja koristio se validirani Oldenurški upitnik sagorijevanja (engl. Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, OBI), a za pridržavanje zdravim životnim navikama FLQ upitnik (engl. FANTASTIC Lifestyle Questionaire). Rezultati: Promatrajući ukupnu populaciju, 79,4 % ispitanika je smatralo da ima dobre vještine nošenja sa stresnim situacijama, bez značajnosti među skupinama (P=0,836). Nadalje, rezultat OBI upitnika je pokazao da studenti dentalne medicine imaju značajno veći OBI ukupan rezultat u odnosu na liječnike (P=0,015), dok u rezultatu domene otuđenosti nije bilo značajnih razlika (P=0,084). Također, u ispitanika koji su u kategoriji dobrog nošenja sa stresom, svaka od domena OBI upitnika je pokazala značajno niže rezultate u odnosu na one koji se loše nose sa stresnim situacijama. Analiza FLQ upitnika je pokazala da najveći broj ispitanika pripada u kategoriju jako dobrog (51,2 %) i dobrog (33,7 %) pridržavanja zdravom načinu života, dok se svega 5,0 % ispitanika izvrsnom. Dodatno, ispitanici koji smatraju da se dobro nose sa stresnim situacijama imali su značajno veći FLQ rezultat u odnosu na one koji se loše nose sa stresom (P
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the symptoms of burnout syndrome and healthy living habits in dentists in the Republic of Croatia and dental students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Split. Materials and Methods: The survey included 75 doctors and 85 students of dental medicine, and was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire using the Google Forms web application. In doing so, one's own coping with stress, the risk of complications from COVID-19, the level of burnout syndrome and the evaluation of the subjects' lifestyle were assessed. The validated Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OBI) was used to determine burnout symptoms, and the FLQ questionnaire (FANTASTIC Lifestyle Questionnaire) was used to determine adherence to healthy lifestyle habits. Results: Observing the total population, 79.4% of the respondents believed that they had good skills for dealing with stressful situations, without significance between groups (P=0.836). Furthermore, the result of the OBI questionnaire showed that students of dental medicine have a significantly higher OBI total score compared to doctors (P=0.015), while there were no significant differences in the alienation domain score (P=0.084). Also, in respondents who are in the category of coping well with stress, each domain of the OBI questionnaire showed significantly lower results compared to those who cope poorly with stressful situations. The analysis of the FLQ questionnaire showed that the largest number of respondents belonged to the category of very good (51.2%) and good (33.7%) adherence to a healthy lifestyle, while only 5.0% of respondents were excellent. Additionally, respondents who believe they cope well with stressful situations had a significantly higher FLQ score compared to those who cope poorly with stress (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE