Switchable directional excitation surface plasmon polaritons with dielectric nanoantennas

Autor: Sinev, I., Komissarenko, F., Bogdanov, A., Petrov, M., Frizyuk, K., Makarov, S., Mukhin, I., Samusev, A., Andrei Lavrinenko, Miroshnichenko, A., Iorsh, I.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Sinev, I, Komissarenko, F, Bogdanov, A, Petrov, M, Frizyuk, K, Makarov, S, Mukhin, I, Samusev, A, Lavrinenko, A, Miroshnichenko, A & Iorsh, I 2017, ' Switchable directional excitation surface plasmon polaritons with dielectric nanoantennas ' Paper presented at 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, Marseille, France, 28/08/2017-02/09/2017
Technical University of Denmark Orbit
Popis: We demonstrate directional launching of surface plasmon polaritons on thin goldfilm with a single silicon nanosphere. The directivity pattern of the excited surface waves exhibits rapid switching from forward to backward excitation, which is driven by the mutual interference of magnetic and electric dipole moments supported by the dielectric nanoantenna.
Databáze: OpenAIRE