Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration: the influence of concentration on bioactive compounds and aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine

Autor: Ivić, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Pichler, Anita
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati mogućnost primjene procesa reverzne osmoze i nanofiltracije za koncentriranje crnog vina Cabernet Sauvignon, proizvedenog na konvencionalni i ekološki način. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo primjenu različitih tlakova (25, 35, 45 i 55 bara) i dva temperaturna režima (s i bez hlađenja). Rezultati su pokazali da je viši tlak rezultirao većim protokom permeata i višim temperaturama koncentrata. U procesima bez hlađenja ostvarene su više temperature koncentrata te veći protok permeata, u odnosu na procese s hlađenjem pri istim radnim tlakovima. Veći protok permeata rezultirao je kraćim procesom koncentriranja, a pri istim procesnim parametrima, reverzna osmoza je trajala duže od nanofiltracije. Zadržavanje pojedinih skupina spojeva ovisilo je o primijenjenom procesu koncentriranja, procesnim parametrima te tipu vina koje se koncentriralo. Nakon koncentriranja oba vina reverznom osmozom i nanofiltracijom, došlo je do promjene njihovog fenolnog i aromatskog profila. Viši radni tlak te primjena hlađenja rezultirali su većim zadržavanjem bioaktivnih komponenti i ukupne arome vina. Gubitak dijela bioaktivnih komponenti rezultirao je smanjenjem antioksidacijske aktivnosti koncentrata, u usporedbi s početnim vinom. Kod oba procesa zabilježena je visoka permeabilnost za etanol, octenu kiselinu te nepoželjne spojeve arome (4-etilfenol i 4-etilgvajakol). Prema CIELab sustavu, nije došlo do značajne promjene boje početnog vina. The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of applying reverse osmosis and nanofiltration processes for concentrating Cabernet Sauvignon red wine, produced in a conventional and ecological way. The research included the application of different pressures (25, 35, 45 and 55 bar) and two temperature regimes (with and without cooling). The results showed that higher pressure resulted in higher permeate flux and higher concentrate temperatures. In processes without cooling, higher concentrate temperatures and higher permeate flux were achieved, compared to processes with cooling at same operating pressures. Higher permeate flux resulted in a shorter concentration process, and at the same processing parameters, reverse osmosis lasted longer than nanofiltration. The retention of individual groups of compounds depended on the applied concentration process, processing parameters and the type of wine being concentrated. After concentration of both wines by reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, a change in their aromatic and phenolic profile occurred. Higher operating pressure and concentrate cooling resulted in greater retention of the overall aroma and bioactive compounds of the wines. The partial loss of the bioactive compounds resulted in a decrease in the antioxidant activity of the concentrate, compared to the initial wine. High permeability to ethanol, acetic acid and undesirable flavour compounds (4- ethylphenol and 4-ethylguaiacol) was observed in both processes. According to the CIELab system, there was no significant change in the colour of the starting wine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE