Epidemiology and control strategies applied to ash dieback and chestnut ink disease

Autor: Dal Maso, Elisa
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Main goal of forest diseases’ management is to reduce economic, biological and aesthetic damages and biodiversity loss caused by plant parasites. The many strategies used can be grouped under two main actions, prevention (prophylaxis in some early writings) and therapy (treatment or cure). Prevention is limited primarily by the lack of knowledge of the organisms involved, including host plants. Mathematical models have been used to extend the understanding of plant disease epidemiology on a number of fronts, providing an opportunity for a more rational use of resources on expensive field trials and representing a step towards more sustainable control measures. From a curative point of view, current efforts by scientists have focused on developing diseases management (Pest Management = PM) concepts in order to balance the benefits of pesticides with the ecological concerns of their residues contaminating the environment. In this thesis, the two PM principles were applied from an innovative point of view on two case studies: ash dieback caused by Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, which can be considered the most serious disease for Fraxinus genus in Europe, and chestnut ink disease, caused by Phytophthora cambivora and P. cinnamomi. In the first part of the thesis, the two diseases are introduced, in order to permit the evaluation of similarities and differences (chapter I). Subsequently, from chapter II to chapter V, the experimental trials performed are described. In particular, in chapter II a study of the ecological niche of H. fraxineus, with the characterization of the environmental variables associated with naturally infected zones, is reported. This procedure was realized with Species Distribution Models (SDM), widely utilized in the ecological field and only recently applied to plant pathology. The presence of the pathogen was highly correlated to three summer predictors: abundant precipitation, high soil moisture and low air temperature, in comparison with the averages of the study area. The ensemble forecasting technique was then applied to obtain a prediction of the potential distribution of the pathogen at European scale, considering the distribution maps of Fraxinus excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia, susceptible to the parasite. At last, an innovative method of network analysis permitted to identify the suitable areas that are not reachable by the pathogen with a natural spread. Chapter III reports a study conducted to evaluate six fungicides for their potential to control ash dieback. Initially, in vitro tests of the active ingredients against five different strains of the pathogen indicated thiabendazole, propiconazole and allicin as the most effective fungicides, with lower median lethal doses than procloraz. In contrast, copper sulphate and potassium phosphite were totally ineffective. Subsequently, the antifungal activities of the best three compounds were investigated in planta against H. fraxineus by trunk injection on European ashes inoculated with an indigenous strain. The test was preceded by preliminary trials to maximize the efficacy of injections; in the experimental conditions highest speed was reached with the addition of 1.2 % acetic acid to the aqueous solution and making treatments in early morning or late afternoon. Considering the results of in planta trial, thiabendazole and allicin significantly slowed down the growth of the necroses in the growing season, in contrast propiconazole injections were impracticable. The studies in chapters IV and V recall the methodologies applied to ash dieback, with application to chestnut ink disease complex. In particular, in chapter IV fuzzy logic theory was applied considering the environmental variables, such as minimum winter temperature, summer drought, slope's aspect, streams' distance and soil's permeability, that mainly can influence the development of the disease. The model was validated with a broad field survey conducted in a chestnut area in Treviso province. Moreover, uncertainty maps (regarding model structure, inputs and parameters) were produced for the correct interpretation of the prediction. Great part of the chestnut area in the study zone resulted as suitable for the development of ink disease, whereas only the 18.8 %, corresponding to higher elevation zones, presented inferior risks. In a second study (chapter V), a comparative efficacy trial on four potassium phosphite formulations by means of endotherapy against chestnut ink disease is performed. P. cinnamomi was isolated with baiting technique from symptomatic chestnuts and was inoculated on 50 asymptomatic trees. As a result of endotherapic treatments, the unique solution that significantly slowed down necroses' growth was potassium phosphite (35 %) with an addition of 0.1 % micronutrient solution. An additional endotherapic trial was conducted in a preliminary way in the chestnut where P. cinnamomi was isolated, with the main aim to evaluate growth stimulation of active growing callus next to the shape flame necroses by the injected solution of potassium phosphite 70 %. In this case, results did not highlight a significant difference between treated trees and water control ones, probably for the need of longer times for older trees. On the base of the achieved results, epidemiological modelling and endotherapic treatments, applied both to ash dieback and chestnut ink disease, can represent fundamental tools in the management of these important diseases and should be applied in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, together with appropriate cultural techniques to maximize benefits.
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