Oralna rehabilitacija u dentalnoj implantologiji
Autor: | Haxhosaj, Argjend |
Přispěvatelé: | Jakovac, Marko |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: |
stomatognathic diseases
Dental Implantation stomatognathic system dentalna implantologija BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Dental Medicine. Prosthetic Dentistry BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Dentalna medicina. Protetika dentalne medicine Dental Esthetics full mouth rehabilitation implants dental implantology treatment teeth Mouth Rehabilitation stomatološka estetika oralna rehabilitacija |
Popis: | Teeth are designed to endure a lifetime, but often patients lose teeth partially or completely because of causes such as dental caries, periodontal problems, accidental traumas, etc. Therefore, replacing missing teeth is important for the patient's general health as well as to the health of his/her other teeth. Not only does the patient lose chewing ability when a tooth is lost, but it can also cause other teeth to be lost, tiped or crowded and create subsequent problems if it is not replaced. With the advancements in dental science and public awareness of better dental treatment options, a dental implant should always be considered as an option for replacing a failing or missing tooth. The replacement of lost teeth with dental implants has been in use for more than 50 years and is recognized as an effective treatment choice. Many studies and clinical trials worldwide have shown that the dental implant is considered more predictable than the conventional bridgework, resin-bonded bridges and endodontic therapy. Often, the patient is faced with a difficult decision in choosing whether to insert dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth. However, clinical studies have shown a very high success rate for dental implants of around 90-95% on an average. These figures do vary according to the part of the mouth that is being treated. Due to lower bone density and sinus pneumatization, the upper jaw has been and continues to be, more difficult to be treated than the lower jaw, which is reflected in the success rates of clinical studies. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present the process of dental reconstruction and rehabilitation, while satisfying all the related factors, including the health of the periodontium, vertical dimension, freeway space, balanced functional occlusion and the esthetic requirements. Trajni zubi trebaju trajati cijeli život, ali često pacijenti gube zube djelomično ili u potpunosti zbog uzroka kao što su zubni karijes, parodontni problemi, traume i slično. Nadoknada zubi koji nedostaju je vrlo važna za opće zdravstveno stanje pacijenta, kao i za zdravlje ostalih zubi. Pacijent ne samo da gubi žvačnu funkciju kada izgubi zub, nego to može prouzročiti gubitak, naginjanje ili kompresiju ostalih zuba i stvoriti dodatne probleme. Napredak u dentalnoj medicini i svijesti javnosti o boljim mogućnostima zbrinjavnaja zuba, omogućio je da se dentalni implantat može razmatrati kao mogućnost nadomještanja zuba. Zamjena izgubljenih zuba implantatima se koristi više od 50 godina i prepoznat je kao učinkoviti izbor terapije. Mnoga istraživanja i klinička ispitivanja širom svijeta su pokazala da se dentalni implantat smatra predvidljivijim od konvencionalnih mostova, adhezivnih mostova i endodontske terapije. Često se pacijent suočava s teškom odlukom pri odabiru terapije implantatima. Međutim, kliničke studije su pokazale vrlo visoku stopu uspješnosti zubnih implantata od oko 90-95% u prosjeku. Ove brojke se razlikuju ovisno o dijelu usne šupljine. Zbog razloga poput smanjene gustoće kostiju, i pneumatizacije sinusa, gornja čeljust je bila i ostaje teža za tretiranje nego donja čeljust, što se odražava na stopi uspjeha. Stoga je cilj i napor rekonstrukcija i rehabilitacija cjeline, zadovoljavajući sve povezane čimbenike, uključujući zdravlje parodonta, vertikalnu dimenziju i slobodni prostor, uravnoteženu funkcionalnu okluziju i estetske zahtjeve. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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