Timsko vodstvo i timski rad u Hrvatskoj ratnoj mornarici – MIO boarding timovi

Autor: Dedo, Mihael, Fabac, Robert, Sunko, Tomislav
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Strategos : Znanstveni časopis Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta "Dr. Franjo Tuđman"
Volume 6
Issue 2
ISSN: 2459-8917
Popis: This paper deals with the topic of teamwork, and application of the theory of team leadership to the example of Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams (MIT) and transfer of teams, in composition of the Croatian Navy. The paper presents the key topics and issues of the theory of team leadership: influence of the leadership process on the team’s processes and ultimately on performance, distributed leadership within the team, influence of the context on leadership and success. By researching boarding teams, their structure, leadership processes of such teams, processes performed by teams and the way in which such teams carry out their tasks in context of the military organization, the Croatian Navy and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia were elaborated. Peculiarities of the team leadership and team processes from cognitive, motivational, coordination, and emotional categories were determined. Characteristic activities of the transition phase of the team as well as the action phase, and peculiarities of performance of the boarding teams, were determined. Scientific contributions of the work, and contribution to military organization, as well as a wider social contribution, are the result of the aforementioned findings.
Ovaj rad bavi se temom timskog rada te primjene teorije timskog vodstva na primjer timova za presretanje plovila i prekrcaj (Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams - MIT), u sastavu Hrvatske ratne mornarice. Kroz rad su izložene ključne teme i problematika teorije timskog vodstva: utjecaj procesa vodstva na procese tima i u konačnici na performanse, raspodijeljeno vodstvo unutar tima, utjecaj konteksta na vodstvo i uspjeh. Zatim je istraživanjem boarding timova obrađen njihov ustroj, procesi vodstva ovakvih timova, procesi koje timovi izvode i način na koji ovakvi timovi provode svoje zadaće u kontekstu vojne organizacije, Hrvatske ratne mornarice i Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske. Utvrđene su osobitosti timskog vodstva i procesa tima iz kategorija spoznajnih, motivacijskih, koordinacijskih, emocionalnih. Utvrđene su i karakteristične aktivnosti tranzicijske faze tima kao i faze akcije, te osobitosti performansi boarding timova. Iz navedenih spoznaja slijede znanstveni doprinosi rada, te doprinos za vojno organiziranje kao i širi društveni doprinos.
Databáze: OpenAIRE