Didactic frame compression principle in students training content

Autor: Novikova, G. P., Tagiltseva, N. G., Ignatova, V. A., Vakhrusheva, L. N., Liya Faleeva, Litvinov, A. V.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Espacios
Popis: The relevance of the study is determined by the search for effective solutions in the transformation of the university students' education content, which is determined by large information blocks, structures and a set of invariant, author, and multivariate courses that often duplicate each other and, thereby, impede their assimilation. The importance and universality of the didactic frame in the synthesis of knowledge elements integral system, in the educational information transformation in the teaching content, in the transformation of verbal information into non-verbal information, in the creation of innovative, symbolic and symbolic structural diagrams of its presentation to students are determined in the article. The authors reveal the functional essence of the didactic frame as a pedagogical category the structure and content of the didactic frame basic models (frame - concept and frame - scenario), adapted to the university students training content. The practical importance of compression principle implementation in the student training content projecting is proved. © 2017.
Databáze: OpenAIRE