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This final paper explores the effects of archetypes on a romantic relationship portrayed in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Focusing primarily on the two main characters in the novel, Heathcliff and Catherine, the aim is to explain the nature of their controversial relationship in the light of the psychoanalytical theory, i.e. the theory of archetypes and the collective unconscious first developed by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. The paper puts emphasis on the role and influence of the anima/animus archetype, which is considered rather important in romantic relationships. This archetype represents two polarities within the psyche, with the animus being the masculine principle in women, and the anima the feminine principle in men. Applied to Brontë’s protagonists, Jung’s theory is used to argue that, contrary to popular belief, their love is actually not genuine. Instead, it is suggested that their mutual affinity can be traced back to a psychological mechanism which reveals that they are not really in love with each other, but rather with the living embodiment of their anima/animus. Consequently, it is argued that the struggle of critics to explain their ‘mysterious bond’, as well as the lack of consensus concerning the psychological credibility of their characters can also be attributed to an oversight of the animus/anima archetype governing and shaping their relationship. Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje utjecaj arhetipa na romantični odnos prikazan u Orkanskim visovima Emily Brontë. S primarnim fokusom na dva glavna lika u romanu, Catherine i Heathcliffa, cilj je objasniti prirodu njihovog kontroverznog odnosa na temelju psihoanalitičke teorije, odnosno teorije o arhetipovima i kolektivnom nesvjesnom koju je prvi razvio švicarski psihijatar i psihoanalitičar Carl Gustav Jung. U radu se stavlja naglasak na ulogu i utjecaj anima/animus arhetipa koji se smatra vrlo značajnim za romantične odnose. Ovaj arhetip predstavlja dva polariteta u psihi, pri čemu je animus muški princip u psihi žene, te anima ženski princip u psihi muškarca. Primijenjena na protagoniste u romanu Emily Brontë, ova teorija podupire tvrdnju da se, suprotno popularnom mišljenju, ustvari ne radi o iskrenoj i pravoj ljubavi. Umjesto toga, korijen njihovog uzajamnog afiniteta se krije u psihološkom mehanizmu koji otkriva da nisu uistinu zaljubljeni jedno u drugo, nego u živuću personifikaciju vlastite anime, odnosno vlastitog animusa. Prema tome, sve poteškoće s kojima se kritičari suočavaju u pokušajima da objasne ‘misterioznu vezu’ između ova dva lika, kao i nepostojanje konsenzusa što se tiče psihološke uvjerljivosti njihovih karaktera mogu također biti objašnjeni kao previd utjecaja anima/animus arhetipa na formiranje i razvitak njihovog odnosa. |