Ethics as the fundamental of Sustainability and Sustainable Architecture

Autor: González Díaz, María Jesús, García Navarro, Justo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference | Proceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference | 21/09/2008-25/09/2008 | Melbourne Convention Centre
Archivo Digital UPM
Popis: The adjective sustainable, both in general and when applied to architectura, involves the consideration of environmental, economic and social aspects. However, advances in research on sustainability in the last decade have confirmed the need to incorporate a new approach to what we understand as basic: Ethics. The dimensions of current approaches in sustainable architecture widely surpass those usually analysed which are based on time and space. The definition of sustainability in itself, as a link between generations, expands the time coordinate: the research and activity of architecture includes much more than the project itself or a building's useful lifespan. The space coordinate has also widely surpassed the limits that have been used up to now: the idea of thinking globally and acting locally expands the locus of architectonic design on to the planet as a whole. These new limits of building horizontally-the whole planet, and vertically throughout generations to come, makes ethics the base, the fundamental and the field from which we should study sustainability. First, we must establish the rules that will guide the analysis: Ethics are understood as the study of what is good and bad, proper and improper in accordance with the norms set by society at a given time. Sustainable architecture and methods of evaluating the environment's behaviour of current buildings is moving towards this field, even though unconsciously. lt is important to think about sustainability's reasons and original framework in order to exactly understand what are the aims and scope in which it is developed. The study of sustainability in architecture from an ethical point of view determines the criteria under which the evaluative methods should evolve, noting the ways for proper development.
Databáze: OpenAIRE