Chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan and embryonic brain inlargement in the chick
Autor: | Gato Casado, Ángel Luis, Moro Balbás, José Antonio, Pastor Vázquez, Juan Francisco, Represa de la Guerra, Juan, Barbosa Ayucar, Enrique |
Rok vydání: | 1993 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | UVaDOC. Repositorio Documental de la Universidad de Valladolid instname |
Popis: | Producción Científica Abstraer. Prcvious studies of thc car l y dcvclopment of the ncural tube ha ve shown thc ex istence of an intraneural nuid, which causes a positivc pressure inside this pri m ordium, and seems to play a key role in the early dcvcl opmcn l of the central nervous syslc m. I n the present sludy wc invest igated the composition and synthesis of lhis int ra neural fluid. By usi n g a scqucntial method, wh ich includes fixation with gl utaraldch yde plus cclylpyridinium chl oride, opening thc ncural cavity after critica! point drying and scan ning clcctron microscopy analysis, we found a water-soluble extracellular matrix that filled up thc brain vesicles of chick embryos al the ea rliest stages of thc ncural tu be. An ultrastructura l study of the neural cpit hcliu m during these stages revea led the cxistcnce of a secretion proccss in the neural cells toward thc apical side, the future neural cavity. An immunocyto chemical study to asscs thc nature of the secreted materi al has shown that the intraneu ral matrix conta ins chon droitin sulphate proteoglycan, which appeared homoge n ously distributed throughout lhc neura l cavity. Our findings demonstra te that thc int raneural liquid is a nuid of com plcx composilion and includes chondroiti n su l phate protcoglycan as a n osmotically active molccule. Th is suggests a morphogenetic role for the proteoglycan during ea rl y brain enlargcmcnt. Thc neural ectoderm is a polarized epi thelium from carly developmental stages and secretes the in t rancural malrix. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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