Career or Family? The Fight of Two Prominent Scandinavian Feminist Politicians

Autor: Ribberink, J.C.A.P.
Přispěvatelé: Art and Culture, History, Antiquity, CLUE+
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Gender Forum, 61, 37-51
Ribberink, J C A P 2017, ' Career or Family? The Fight of Two Prominent Scandinavian Feminist Politicians ', Gender Forum, vol. 61, pp. 37-51 .
ISSN: 1613-1878
Popis: Internationally, in the twentieth century, women in higher and managerial occupations wereconfronted with barriers because they had to fight prejudices concerning their ability tomaintain themselves in traditionally male occupations. This was the case for instance, withwomen politicians in the West. More than their male colleagues, women politicians had toprove that they were fit for the job. At the same time they were supposed to have a specialresponsibility for their private sphere. This was more difficult in the period before the secondfeminist wave than after, but it became never easy. Even in the Scandinavian countries, seenas triumphs of emancipation, at least from the 1970s, it continued to be a struggle.This article intends to delve deeper into the situation in two Scandinavian countries,Sweden and Norway. It will deal with two prominent political women leaders from thesecountries, namely Alva Myrdal (1902-1986) and Gro Harlem Brundtland (1939-). Myrdalwas a powerful political intellectual and cabinet minister in Sweden. Brundtland wouldbecome the first Norwegian woman Prime Minister. In recent years increasing amounts ofliterature on female political leadership have appeared, but these are often general overviewsfrom a political or sociological perspective. Such general facts and insights are useful, butthere is also a need to explore the lives and careers of individual female political leaders. Inthis way we can expand the insight into how women attempt to gain admittance to politicalparties and the field of parliamentary and governmental politics. Both Myrdal and Brundtlandhave had to deal with the snares inherent in the combination of their public and private lives.Their personal biographies give evidence of this: in both cases we are dealing with feministswho attempted to find solutions for their personal problems and at the same time for those ofsociety as a whole. These are solutions that were implemented in reality in their owncountries during the second wave of feminism, and found their resonance in other countries.Nevertheless both politicians came up against the boundaries of the feasibility of their ownlives, something that for them, as social-democrats – traditional believers in feasibility – musthave come as a blow.
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