Infracrvena spektroskopija asparaginske kiseline

Autor: Švigir Stevanović, Stjepko
Přispěvatelé: Dananić, Vladimir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Snimljen je infracrveni spektar asparaginske kiseline.Dobivene vrpce su identificirane usporedbom s prije objavljenim radovima iz infracrvene spektroskopije aminokiselina i izračunatim frekvencijama vibracija unutar programa Gaussian i GaussView. Potvrđene su zwitterionska struktura i unutarmolekulske vodikove veze. Svrha zadatka: Analizirati spektar asparaginske kiseline na osnovi njene molekulske strukture te asocirati vibracije sa vrpcama u dobivenom spektru. The infrared spectrum of aspartic acid was recorded and measured. The obtained ribbons were identified by comparison with previously published papers from the infrared spectroscopy of amino acids and calculated vibration frequencies within the Gaussian and GaussView programs. The zwitterionic structure and the intramolecular hydrogen bonds were confirmed. Goal: The analysis of the asparagine acid spectrum on the basis of its molecular structure and associate the vibration with the bands in the obtained spectrum.
Databáze: OpenAIRE