Development of a Laboratory for Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics Studies

Autor: Toninato, Riccardo
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: This PhD thesis described the realization and development of a new experimental laboratory for cardiovascular studies. Three years later, the Healing Research Laboratory (HeR Lab) is an approved reality, located within the ICEA Dept. of the University of Padua. The present paper explores the different aspects that have been involved on its development, and the principal research fields that have been touched along the doctorate program. It is subdivided in four parts: a first overview of the aortic district linked to the insertion of prosthetic devices, from physiological and engineering points of views. After this, the experimental activities are widely discussed. The experimental research was focused on the design, realization, trial-tests and first optimization of a mechanical-hydraulic closed circuit (called pulse duplicator), for the study of fluid dynamics in the systemic circulation after the implantation of prosthetic devices. Innovative feature of the workbench is the presence of a compliant silicone phantom replica of a healthy aorta, that permits investigations of mechanics and flow dynamics characteristics of the district via an experimental approach. A third section is depicted to external experimental projects, developed within the division of Cardiac Surgery, dept. of cardiac, thoracic and vascular sciences, University of Padua Medical School, to investigate the haemodynamic performances of a total artificial heart (CardioWest TAH-t); and within the UCL Cardiovascular Engineering Laboratory (University College London, UK), to perform in vitro assessment of prosthetic cardiovascular devices performances (biological aortic valves). The last part focuses on a numerical study based on the design of a 2D mechanical model for a red blood cell, and the computation of deformation-damage effects on the shield, due to the shear stresses induced downstream of mechanical aortic valves. The possibility to made up an experimental laboratory, and the development of a new-born research group, give the chance to obtain strong expertise along these three years in the R&D field, giving the possibility to actually touch all the different faces of the research, from the funding recruitment to the physical workbench realization or prototype testing.
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