Laser-Assisted Synthesis of Colloidal FeWxOy and Fe/FexOy Nanoparticles in Water and Ethanol

Autor: Lasemi, N., Bomatí Miguel, O., Lahoz, R., Lennikov, V.V., Pacher, U., Rentenberger, C., Kautek, W.
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Popis: Homogeneous polycrystalline FexOy nanoparticles were generated by ablation of iron targets in water by nanosecond laser pulses at 532 nm. In ethanol, crystalline core-shell Fe/FexOy structures with size medians around 20 nm were produced. The ablation of FeWxOy targets in water resulted in crystalline hollow shells and homogeneous FeWxOy nanoparticles. In contrast, amorphous core-shell FeWxOy nanoparticles with a median size of 17 nm were produced in ethanol. The size distribution of both the FexOy and the FeWxOy particles showed a slight dependence on fluence and pulse number. This may be related to primary and secondary ablation and modification mechanisms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE